Anca Angela Simionescu

Universitatea de Medicina si Farmacie Carol Davila , Spitalul Clinic Filantropia


Rezumat: Tratamentul chirurgical al chistului ovarian in timpul sarcinii

Introducere : Folosirea de rutina a ecografiei in sarcina a determinat diagnosticarea unui numar mai mare de chisturi ovariene. Chisturile fiziologice asimptomatice din primul trimestru de sarcina pot disparea spontan. Se indica un tratament chirurgical al chisturilor ovariene doar in caz de cancer ovarian sau torsiune de anexa.
Material si metode : Scopul acestui articol este sa prezinte tratamentul chirurgical efectuat in timpul sarcinii . Prezentam un caz rar de torsiune de anexa in jurul unui chist ovarian de 60 mm in primul trimestru de sarcina la care s-a practicat detorsionarea anexei si chistectomie ovariana prin laparotomie , sub anestezie generala. Pacienta a nascut la termen un fat masculine de 3200 de grame , clinic sanatos.
In concluzie, tratamentul chirurgical al chisturilor ovariene complicate sau maligne se poate face in siguranta in timpul sarcinii, prin laparotomie au laparoscopie cu anestezie generala, de catre o echipa multidisciplinara cu experienta , astfel incit timpul operator sa fie cit mai scurt.

Abstract: Prediction of ovarian response and in vitro fertilization success

      Introduction: The number of ovarian cysts diagnosed during pregnancy has increased, as the routine use of ultrasound has increased. Asymptomatic physiological cysts diagnosed by ultrasound in the first trimester of pregnancy may disappear spontaneously. Surgical management of ovarian cysts are indicated when malignant ovarian cancer is present or in the case of adnexal torsion.
Materials and method: The aim of this paper is to present the surgical management of ovarian cysts during pregnancy, when indicated. A rare case of an ovarian torsion of adnexa is presented, where a benign cyst of 60 mm has occurred during the first trimester of pregnancy. A detorsion of the adnexa and a cystectomy were performed under general anesthesia by laparotomy. A healthy baby boy of 3200 grams was born at term. We conclude that surgical management of ovarian complications or malignant cysts is safe during pregnancy. In addition, surgery by laparotomy or laparoscopy under general anesthesia may be safe during pregnancy. An experienced multidisciplinary team and a short operatory time may need to be considered.

Keywords : chirurgie, sarcina, torsiunea de anexa, chist ovarian, chist ovarian complicat, laparoscopie.