Teodora Irimescu1, Roxana Sevan-Libotean2, Adelina Staicu 2, Camelia Albu3,4, Antonia Catalina Oancea4, I. G. Goidescu2, D. Muresan

1 Department of Hematology, The Oncology Institute Prof. Dr.I. Chiricuta, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
2 1st Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, “Iuliu Haţieganu” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
3IMOGEN – Centre of Advanced Research Studies, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
4Department of Pathology, Iuliu Hatieganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy. Cluj-Napoca, Romania
5 Department of Pediatrics, Clinical Emergency Hospital for Children, Cluj-Napoca, Romania,

* all authors have equal contributions to this study (the authors shared the first authorship)


The present study looks at the most frequent alterations of the placenta with direct influence upon neonatal outcome and premature birth by treating some aspects like placental adaptation during pregnancy, hemodynamic modifications of the placenta, neonatal morbidity and histopathological alterations with direct impact on preterm birth. Histopathological alterations of the placenta are a subject that should be known not only by the pathologist but most important by the obstetrician and pediatrician in order to consolidate to reduce the risk of preterm birth and neonatal outcome complications. In an effort to contribute to this purpose, this article collects and examines some of the aspects found in the literature.


Studiul de fată descrie principalele aspecte histopatologice placentare ce au influentă directă asupra aparitiei unor afectiuni neonatale si asupra nasterii premature. Sunt tratate unele aspecte precum adaptarea placentei în timpul sarcinii, hemodinamica placentară, morbiditatea neonatală si modificările histopatologice cu impact direct asupra nasterii premature. Modificările histopatologice placentare ar trebui cunoscute atât de pediatru cât si de obstetrician în încercarea de a crea si consolida mecanisme de prevensie care să ducă la reducerea riscului nasterii premature si a complicatilor neonatale. In efortul de a aduce o mica contributie acestui scop, acest review examinează succint o parte din aspectele tratate în literatura de specialitate.


Cuvinte cheie: placenta, morbiditate neonatala, modificari histopatologice, hemodinamica


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