Alina Popescu, B. Marinescu
Department of Obstetrics Gynecology „Prof. Panait Sarbu” Clinical Hospital, Bucharest
Obiective: Acest studiu a urmarit efectele terapiei hormonale la menopauza (THM) la un grup de femei care au urmat terapie estro-progestativa si tibolone.
Material si metoda: 29 de femei sanatoase, la menopauza de cel putin 1 an si cu simptome climacterice prezente au fost urmarite clinic si paraclinic la 4 sapamani, 4 luni, 1 an si respective la 2 ani de THM. Au fost evaluate starea de bine a tuturor subiectilor, cat si efectele adverse care au aparut in timpul celor 2 ani de tratament.
Rezultate: Cu toate ca in Romania terapia hormonala la menopauza nu este frecvent utilizata acest studiu a pus in evidenta cresterea calitatii vietii prin diminuare simptomelor climacterice, dar a demonstrat si aparitia efectelor adverse administrarii acestui tratament.
Discutii: Pe langa efectul pozitiv al administrarii terapiei hormonale la menopauza, exista efecte adverse si limitari ale utilizarii din motive ce tin de prejudecati sociale.
Concluzii: Terapia de substitutie hormonala are intr-adevar efecte benefice asupra imbunatatirii calitatii vietii femeilor la menopauza.
Abstract – Menopause Hormone Therapy, effectiveness and risk, findings of a two years study
Objectives: This study investigated the effects of menopause hormone therapy (MHT) on a group of postmenopausal women who undergo estrogen-progestin and tibolone therapy.
Methods: 29 healthy women at menopause for at least 1 year and climacteric symptoms present, clinical were followed at 4 weeks, 4 months, 1 year and 2 years after using hormone therapy. Were evaluated wellbeing of all subjects and adverse events that occurred during the 2 years of treatment.
Results: Although in Romania menopausal hormone therapy is not commonly used in this study highlighted the diminishing climacteric symptoms and the increase of quality of life but also the administration demonstrated adverse effects of this treatment.
Discussion: Besides the positive effect of administration of hormone therapy at menopause, there are adverse events and limitations of using reasons related to social prejudices
Conclusion: Hormone replacement therapy has indeed beneficial effect on improving quality of life for women in menopause.
Keywords: hormone, substitutive therapy, menopause, symptom, adverse events