D. Pelinescu-Onciul
Clinica de Obstetrica-Ginecologie Filatropia Bucuresti
Lucrarea trece în revista principalele cauze de hemoragie obstetricala si mecanismele fiziopatologice ale declansarii si evolutiei hemoragiei in fiecare din ele. Dupa o serie de generalitati legate de caracteristicile hemodinamice ale gravidei, se prezinta modalitatile de instalare si manifestare a socului hipovolemic urmare a hemoragiei obstetricale.
Dupa o prezentare a principalelor cauze de hemoragie obstetricala si a caracteristicilor hemoragiei, lucrarea evidentiaza stransa legatura intre hemoragia obstetricala si coagulopatia, care este aproape regula în hemoragiile severe si in unele aspecte de patologie specifica sarcinii. Coagulopatia este cea care poate agrava marcat hemoragia si de multe ori cheia rezolvarii terapeutice, pe langa manevrele specifice fiecarui caz in parte este rezolvarea prompta a tulburarilor de coagulare.
The paper presents the main causes of obstetrical hemorrhage and the pathogenic mechanisms of starting and evolution of the hemorrhage in each cause. After a series of generalities about the hemodynamic specific features of pregnant patient, the paper shows the modalities about the installation and manifestation of hemorrhagic shock following the obstetrical hemorrhage.
This part is continued by a presentation of principal causes of obstetrical hemorrhage and of its characteristics. The paper emphasizes the close relationship between obstetric hemorrhage and coagulopathy, that is the rule in severe hemorrhage and in one of the specific aspects of pregnancy pathologies. The defects of coagulation can worsen the hemorrhage and often the key of therapy, close the specific therapeutic procedures of each case, is the prompt therapy of coagulation disturbances.