Bogdan Botezatu, Bogdan Marinescu
Spitalul Clinic de Obstetrică şi Ginecologie „Prof. Dr. Panait Sirbu”, Bucureşti,
Anencefalia este o maformaţie congenitală fiind in principal produsă de o dezvoltare neuronală anormală , un defect de formare a tubilor neuronali care în final va produce absenta formării encefalului. Un număr foarte mare de factori teratogeni pot produce aceasta anomalie. Diagnosticul ultrasonosgrafic al anencefaliei se poate stabili in trimestrul 2 , respectiv 3 de sarcină şi se bazează pe absenţa plafonului cranian ( acrania) şi a emisferelor cerebrale.Studiile ce s-au făcut pe animale şi oameni relevă că defectul primordial este reprezentat de absenţa plafonului cranian , acest factor determinând anencefalia.
In mod normal mineralizarea craniului (hiperechogen) are loc in jurul celei de a 10-a săptămâna de gestaţie , astfel teoretic după această varstă se poate diagnostica anomalia. Diagnosticul anencefaliei trebuie să aibă loc in primul trimestru de sarcină, introducerea unei ecografii obligatorii in primul trimestru poate rezolva această problemă
Abstract – Anencefal fetus 16 weeks with bilateral agenesis of parietal bones
The anencephaly is a congenital malformation originated of an abnormal neurulation, resulting in the absence of fusing of the neural folds and the formation of the neural tube in the region of encephalon. Innumerable factors can to cause this abnormality, as well as a teratogen capable to produce a congenital anomaly or to increase the incidence of this in the population..Prenatal ultrasonographic diagnosis of anencephaly during the second and third trimester of pregnancy, which is based on the demonstration of absent cranial vault and cerebral hemispheres .Animal studies and studies in human have reported that the primary defect is absence of the cranial vault , with subsequent disruption of the cerebral cortex, leading to anencephaly. Since in normal fetuses mineralization of the skull, and therefore hyperechogenity in comparison to the underlying tissues, occurs at around 10th week of gestation, diagnosis of anencephaly by ultrasound is theoretically possible from this gestational age onwards.The diagnosis of anencephaly it must ocure in the first trimester, the introduction of one ultrasonographic examin can solve this problem.
Keywords: anencephalia, parietal bone, ultrasonography, screening