Material şi metodă. Studiul prospectiv a fost efectuat pe o perioadă de 6 ani (ianuarie-decembrie 2004-2010) implicând un lot de 250 de femei.
Rezultate. În urma analizei statistice, a datelor colectate, a fost descoperit faptul că, hiperprolactinemia este mai frecventă în cazul femeilor cu vârste cuprinse între 21-30 de ani, vârsta minimă fiind de 21 de ani , iar cea maximă de 42 de ani. Prezenţa macroprolactinei a fost în registrată în 17 cazuri. În aceste cazuri au fost înregistrate valori crescute ale prolactinei, acestea fiind cuprinse în intervalul 25-60 mg/ml. Patru dintre paciente cu vârste cuprinse între 25-36 de ani au fost diagnosticate cu adenom hipofizar, reprezentând 1,6% din totalul pacientelor.
Concluzii. Incidenţa prolactinei din totalul determinărilor de prolactină este de 6,8% din cazuri. Macroprolactinemia este raportată cu frecvenţă între 8-42% din cazuri. Precipitarea cu polietilenglicol este o metodă de screening excelentă.
Abstract – Diagnosis and treatment of hyperprolactinemia
Objective. The objective of this study is to point out the biochimichal diagnosis of hyperprolactinemia, as well as the importance of detecting macroprolactina in order to establish the hyperprolactinemia diagnosis. Hyperprolactinaemia represents the increase of the prolactin level in the blood over the maximum allowed level. Generally, a prolactin with a value lower than four times the maximum allowd limit can be inclued in functional hyperprolactinaemia. All values exceending four times the higher allow limit are included in the category of organic hyperprolactineamia. The determination of prolactin in women is indicated in the diagnosis of anovulatory menstrual cycles, menstrual cycle disorders, amenorrhea and galactorrhea, infertility, suspected hypophyseal tumours.
Method.The work herein is a study for a period of six years ( January-December 2004-2010); 250 women were tested.
Results. After the statistical analysis of the collected data it was found that hyperprolactinaemia is more frequent among the women between 21-30 years, considering a minimum of 21 years and a maximum of 42 years.The presence of macroprolactin was recorded and interpreted appropriately in 17 cases.They have shown increased values of prolactin, between 25-60 mg/ml. Four of the patients between 25 and 36 years were diagnosed with hypophyseal microadenoma, representing 1,6% of the patients.
Conclusions. The incidence of hyperprolactinaemia in the total number of cases studied represents 6,8%. The presence of macroprolactinemia was reported in 8-42% of cases. PEG is a screening method for the diagnosis of real hyperprolactinemia.
Keywords: Secondary amenorrhea, hyperprolactinaemia, macroprolactina, galactorhoea, infertility
2009-11-26 18:09:06