Material şi metodă. Este un studiu longitudinal, retrospectiv, pe baza datelor obţinute din foile de observaţie. Perioada luată în studiu este ianuarie 2009 – decembrie 2010. Criterii de includere : VG 36 – 39sîptamâni, secţiune cezariană. S-au constituit două loturi: lotul 1: pacienţii care s-au născut prin sectiune cezariană după debutul travaluilui; lotul 2: pacienţii care s-au născut prin secţiune cezariană efectuată anterior debutului travaluilui.
Rezultate. Lotul 1 a inclus 127 de pacienţi (GNm=2737g, VGm=37s) iar lotul 2 a inclus 39 pacienţi (GNm=2716g, VGm=37s) şi în ambele loturi a predominat sexul masculin. TTN a fost prezentă la 18,8% dintre pacienţii lotului 1 şi la 25,6% dintre pacienţii lotului 2 (p=0,17). Durata oxigenoterapiei (1,73 zile/pacient faţă de 0,56 zile/pacient, p=0,05) şi durata CPAP (0,51 zile/pacient faţă de 0,22 zile/pacient, p=0,05) au fost mai crescute la pacienţii lotului 2. De asemenea, durata tratamentului antibiotic şi durata alimentaţiei parenterale au fost mai crescute la pacienţii lotului 2.
Concluzii. Efectuarea secţiunii cezariene înaintea debutului travaliului nu a determinat o creştere semnificativă a frecvenţei detresei respiratorii însă severitatea a fost mai crescută.
Abstract – Respiratory distress syndrome at the newborn delivered by elective cesarian section
Objective : To compare the frequency and severity with which the respiratory distress syndrome caused by the retention of fetal lung fluid occurs in the neonates born by elective caesarean section as opposed to those born by caesarean section following labour.
Methods: Observational retrospective study based on the data collected from the clinical charts of neonates born between January 2009 and December 2010. Selection criteria: gestational age 36-39 weeks, caesarean section. Two groups were formed: group 1: neonates born by caesarean section following labour; group 2: neonates born by elective caesarean section.
Results: Group 1 consisted of 127 patients (mean BW=2737g, mean GA=37w), group 2 consisted of 39 patients (mean BW=2716g, mean GA=37w); in both groups the male genre was predominant.TTN was documented in 18.8% of the neonates belonging to group 1 and in 25.6% of the neonates in group 2 (p=0.17). The duration of oxygen therapy was 1.73days/patient in group 2 and 0.56days/patient in group 1 (p=0.05). The duration of CPAP was 0.51days/patient in group 2 and 0.22days/patient in group 1(p=0.05). Also, the duration of the antibiotic treatment and parenteral nutrition was longer for the patients belonging to group 2.
Conclusion: Although elective caesarean section was not found to increase the incidence of the neonatal respiratory distress syndrome, it was connected to more severe forms of this condition.
Keywords: transient tachypnoea, respiratory distress syndrome due to fetal lung fluid retention, elective caesarean section.
2009-11-26 17:32:24