D. Pelinescu-Onciul, R. Radulescu-Botica, Anca Simionescu
Clinica de Obstetrica-Ginecologie Filantropia, Bucuresti
Obiectiv: a evalua modificarile semnelor ecografice ale bolii ovarelor polichistice dupa un an de tratament cu Diane-35.
Metoda: 60 de paciente cu boala ovariana polichistica, tratate, au fost evaluate ecografic initial, la 3, 6, 9 si 12 luni. Am urmarit aspectul morfologic al ovarelor, evolutia volumului ovarian, aspectul stromei si prin examinare Doppler caracteristicile velocimetrice ale circulatiei intraovariene si uterine.
Rezultate: S-a constatat o ameliorarea rapida a semnelor morfologice ca rezultat al actiunii frenatoare a medicamentului, cu marcata reducere a volumului ovarian ( reducere semnificativa statistic p = 0.0004 ) si a numarului de foliculi, modificarea vascularizatiei si a fluxurilor sanghine ovariene, care demonstreaza efectul frenator asupra FSH/LH si puternicul efect antiandrogenic al preparatului.
Concluzii: S-a constatat ca semnele ecografice sunt mai fidele decât cele clinice în aprecierea efectelor terapiei si permit o evaluare obiectiva a rezultatelor.
Objective: to evaluate the changing of sonographic findings in POD after one year of treatment with Diane 35.
Methods: 60 pacients with POD, treated, were evaluated sonographically initially, at 3,6 9 and 12 months. We have watching the morphological aspect of the ovaries, the ovarian volume, the stromal aspect, the stromal vasculature and the modifications of the stromal and uterine blood flow.
Results: We have observed a rapid improvement of the morphological aspect of the ovaries, a marked decrease of ovarian volume ( statistical significantly p=0,0004 ) and of the number of follicules, the modification of vasculature and ovarian blood flow characteristics, that have proved the braking effect on FSH/LH and powerful antiandrogenic effect of the medicine.
Conclusion: The conclusion of the study is that the sonographic findings are more reliable to appreciate the effects of therapy than the clinical findings and allow to correctly evaluate of the results.