
The Romanian Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology is an autonomous, non-profit, scientific and professional organization of specialized physicians. It operates as a medical professional organization with a scientific and educational purposes, and gather people with university medical education who are active in the field of obstetrics and gynecology.

The objective of this organization is to increase the medical performance in obstetrics and gynecology and to defend the values ​​and interests of this medical community.

In particular, the Organization pursues:

  • To promote a world-class scientific climate of research, vocational training and curative-prophylactic actions in obstetrics and gynecology;
  • To create a climate of professional appreciation for scientific papers published or communicated in the country and abroad;
  • To collaborate with medical and higher education institutions to improve the training and skills of specialists;
  • To contribute to the improvement, modernization and reform of medical assistance in the field of obstetrics and gynecology;
  • To contribute to the continuous improvement of general health in female population and in pregnant women and fetuses in particular;
  • To raise the professional and scientific level of its members;
  • To raise the prestige, by representing, supporting and promoting professional scientific interests, as well as protecting the internal and external activities of all members of the Organization;
  • To ensure a close cooperation with the professionals related to the Ob-Gyn specialty:
    a) for related problems: psychologists, jurists, sociologists, demographers, economists, etc.
    b) for medical-biological conditions: immunologists, geneticists, biochemists, histologists, pharmacologists, endocrinologists, oncologists, etc.
  • To ensure a broad collaboration with similar international scientific organizations or similar societies.