
Governance of the Romanian Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Honorific Presidents

Professor Florin Stamatian

Professor Zenovia Pricop

Executive Board

Professor Radu Vladareanu


Professor Daniel Muresan

First Vice President

Assoc. Professor Dominic Iliescu


Assoc. Professor Liana Ples


Professor Mircea Onofriescu

Professor Nicolae Suciu

Director Council

Professor Radu Vladareanu


Professor Daniel Muresan

First Vice President

Professor Dominic Iliescu


Conf. Dr. Liana PLes


Professor Mircea Onofriescu

Professor Nicolae Suciu

Professor Elvira Bratila

Vice President - Bucharest

Professor Dan Mihu

Vice President Cluj

Professor Stefan Butureanu

Vice President Moldova - Bucovina

Conf. Dr. Gheorghe Furau

Vice-President Banat

Professor Vlad Tica

Vice-President – Dobrgea

Prof. Dr. Claudiu Marginean

Vice President – Mures

Conf. Dr. Stefania Tudorache

Vice President Oltenia

Honorary Members

Prof. Dr. Florin Stamatian

Honorary President

Professor Gabriel Banceanu

Professor Zenovia Pricop

Honorary President

Professor Bogdan Marinescu

Professor Decebal Hudita

Scientific Committee

Professor Radu Vlădăreanu

President, President of the Romanian Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, President of the East European Society of Endometriosis and Infertility, President of the Romanian Society of HPV.

Professor Mircea Onofriescu

President of the Romanian Society of Reproductive Medicine

Professor Daniel Muresan

First Vice President

Prof. Dr. Elvira Bratila

President of the Romanian Society of Urogynecology

Professor Marius Craina

President of the Romanian Society of Minimally Invasive Surgery in Gynecology


President of the Romanian Association of Perinatal Medicine

Professor Decebal Hudiță

President of the Romanian Society of Menopause

conf. dr. Florin Anca

President of the Romanian Society of Gynecological Endocrinology