Clinical guidelines

In the period 2007-2013, the Obstetrics and Gynecology Society of Romania, the Romanian College of Physicians and the Ministry of Health developed the clinical guidelines of obstetrics and gynecology. They were enacted by Order no. 1524/2009 regarding the approval of clinical guidelines for obstetrics and gynecology, published in the Official Gazette 88 of February 9, 2010 and Order no.1347 of 11.12.2013 amending and supplementing the Order of the Minister of Health no. 1.524 / 2009 regarding the approval of clinical guidelines for obstetrics-gynecology, published in the Official Gazette no. 775 of 12 December 2013.

The Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists in Romania started in October 2018 the process of revising the Guides, involving all the leading opinion leaders in Romania. At the same time, new guides began.
The process of review / development of each guide involved a complex team made up of coordinator, writers, two external evaluators, and a common integrator of all guides. Once completed, the guides were transparent on the SOGR website: and the comments, the comments were centralized on the email address:
Finally, in 29-30 March 2019, the SOGR National Consensus Meeting was held in Bucharest to approve new guides and revised ones. For 2 days, participants, teachers and lecturers from all country universities evaluated the content of each guide and consented to the guide.

The new guides, in the final version after the Consensus Meeting, are available below. They will be sent to the Ministry of Health for legislation.

The process of developing and reviewing guides, logistics, editing of guidelines, the Consensus Meeting, were coordinated and fully funded by the Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists in Romania.